Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations (4-8. 4. 2011, Estonsko)


deadline: 15.9.2010

datum konání: 4-8. 4. 2011

e-mail: timo.maran@ut.ee

Hoping that you might find it of interest we remind you of the conference „Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations“ to be held in Tartu, Estonia on 4-8 April 2011. Our aim is to bring together scholars studying different aspects of semiotics of animals, animal representations, animal communication and zoosemiotics. Please find attached the conference CFP.

The deadline for the abstracts is 15 September 2010. To submit a proposal, interested scholars should e-mail an abstract (300-600 words) and a bio-note (less than 100 words) to the address zoosemiotics@semiootika.ee. The abstract and bio-note should be sent together in one file (.doc or .rtf) attached to the e-mail.

Ševčík, L. - Práva zvířat: Má zkušenost se skupinovým vlivem
Non-human in Anthropology (4.-5. 12. 2010, Praha)