Sex, Gender, Species (25.-26. 2. 2011, Wesleyan University, USA)

Sex, Gender, Species Wesleyan University, USA

deadline: 1. 10. 2010

datum konání: 25.-26. 2. 2011

e-mail: +

The growing field of animal studies has turned critical attention to the real conditions and stakes of human-animal relations. It has also become a new and important focus for debates over identity and difference that have embroiled academic theory over the past quarter century. Recent scholarship on animal otherness as well as discussions of how to traverse boundaries of difference often draws upon a history of feminist theory and practice even as this borrowing remains unacknowledged. The purpose of this conference is to foreground the relations between feminist and animal studies and to examine the real and theoretical problems that are central to both fields of inquiry.

We are soliciting abstracts for papers that can be presented in 30 minute time slots. Selected presenters will receive a $1000 honorarium to cover travel expenses. We invite extended submissions of versions of presented papers for a special issue of Hypatia on Animal Others.

Animal Minds (22-26. 6. 2011, Indiana, USA)
Vandrovcová, T. - Sociologie zvířat: přehledová stať o oboru Human-Animal Studies