11th Annual North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies (2.-4. 3. 2012, Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, USA)


datum konání: 2nd-4th March 2012

email: kimberlyannsocha@gmail.com
As worldwide economies collapse and socio-political revolutions arise in response to education tuition increases, job losses, tax increases, land rights, and religious division, governments are collapsing only to be hijacked by corporations. In the US, national and transnational banks and financial institutions are being bailed out by the government, while common people are kicked out of their homes and fired from their jobs so corporations can save money. Simultaneously, global revolutionary fervor increases against corporations, banks, and corrupt financial institutions. People are demanding their rights and their nations back. The results of this backlash are police brutality and political repression toward activists worldwide. The theme of this year’s annual North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies is based on inquiry into how economic markets locally, regionally, nationally and globally affect nonhuman animals.

Kašparová, V., Uličná, M. - Spravedlivý přístup lidí ke zvířatům
Non-human in Social Science III (17.-18. 11. 2012, Praha)