Rubrika: Konference

CARE: Conference on Animal Rights in Europe (29. – 31. 7. 2016, Varšava, Polsko)

Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na první varšavskou mezinárodní konferenci věnovanou právům zvířat, která se bude konat 29. – 31. července 2016.

Pořadatelem této konference je polská nezisková organizace Otwarte Klatki (Open Cages)

Cílem konference je poskytnout prostor pro navazování kontaktů a sdílení dovedností a také poskytnout místo pro diskuzi ohledně strategií, vizí a směrů v hnutí za práva zvířat.

Non-human in anthropology II (19.-20. 11. 2011, Praha)

The conference seeks to create an intellectually stimulating environment for the debate about the non-human of (social science) research and its role in re-defining the limits and boundaries of social science. Anthropologists as well as scholars form a wide range of other disciplines of humanities, social, historical or environmental sciences are cordially welcome to participate.

2nd European Conference for Critical Animal Studies (15.-16. 10. 2011, Praha)

This two-day interdisciplinary conference will critically explore a variety of issues concerning the historic, current, and future situation of nonhuman animals across globally interconnected societies. Adopting a Critical Animal Studies perspective this conference seeks to interrogate not only the ‘question of the animal’ but also, with urgency, the deteriorating lived circumstances of many nonhuman animals.

Sex, Gender, Species (25.-26. 2. 2011, Wesleyan University, USA)

Recent scholarship on animal otherness as well as discussions of how to traverse boundaries of difference often draws upon a history of feminist theory and practice even as this borrowing remains unacknowledged. The purpose of this conference is to foreground the relations between feminist and animal studies and to examine the real and theoretical problems that are central to both fields of inquiry.